Active Travel: Cherrywood to Rathmichael Manor Rapid Build Cycle Scheme (Section 38 Non-Statutory Consultation)

Closed 7 May 2024

Opened 9 Apr 2024


Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (DLRCC), in conjunction with the National Transport Authority (NTA), are working with ARUP consulting engineers on a rapid build cycle scheme between Cherrywood Park access and Rathmichael Manor, Loughlinstown, Co. Dublin. The proposed Cherrywood to Rathmichael Manor Rapid Build Cycle Scheme is being promoted by the Active Travel Section, Infrastructure and Climate Change Department to provide better cycling infrastructure and routes to schools, health and community services, employment and recreation facilities. This rapid build scheme is Phase 1 of a two-phase scheme.  

This non-statutory public consultation is to inform the public of the proposed works and invites submissions concerning the proposed Cherrywood to Rathmichael Manor Rapid Build Cycle Scheme. (Phase 1 only) 

Phase 2 consists of a proposed future extension of the scheme, from Rathmichael Manor along Parc na Silla Rise and through lands to connect with Falls Road and Stonebridge Road. 

What is the Cherrywood to Rathmichael Manor Rapid Build Cycle Scheme? 

The Cherrywood to Rathmichael Manor Rapid Build Cycle Scheme is approximately 720 metres long. The scheme commences at the Cherrywood Park access, routing along Bray Road on the western side of the N11 as far as Rathmichael Manor. Access will be maintained to all existing properties along the route.  

A ‘cycle street’ design is proposed along the Bray Road (slip road from N11) which utilises the low-traffic nature of the Bray Road. The ‘cycle street’ transitions briefly into a shared path where the N11/Bray Road slip lane merges onto the cycle street. A two-way cycle track and footpath is proposed south of the N11/Bray Road slip road. The two-way cycle track and footpath lead to a new pedestrian and cycle crossing at Rathmichael Manor.  

The works will include ancillary upgrade works to the public footpath, modifying the St Columcille's Hospital bus stop (stop 3143) to an island-style bus stop together with a pedestrian crossing of the cycle lane at that point. A 3-metre-wide shared path will link the footpath and cycle track with the Loughlinstown pedestrian bridge. The scheme will include additional traffic calming measures including new road markings, signage and two raised tables along the Bray Road.  

Plans and particulars of the scheme as shown on Drawing Numbers: CSG-ARUP-ZZ-ZZ-DR-CH-0100-P03 to CSG-ARUP-ZZ-ZZ-DR-CH-0104-P03, are available for inspection from 9th April to 7th May 2024

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening:  

The proposed Cherrywood to Rathmichael Manor Rapid Build Cycle Scheme has been screened for Environmental Impact Assessment and the Council determines that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development, either by itself or in combination with other plans or projects, and that an EIA is not required. An EIAR is therefore not required.  

Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening:

The proposed development has been screened for Appropriate Assessment. The Council determines that the proposed Cherrywood to Rathmichael Manor Rapid Build Cycle Scheme,  individually or in combination with other plans or projects, without relying on any mitigation measures, will not have a significant effect on any designated European Sites, given their conservation objectives, and that there is no reasonable scientific doubt about this conclusion. Consequently, a Stage Two AA and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) are not required.  

Exemptions from Part 8 Procedure:

There are several exemptions from the Part 8 Procedure, with one of those exemptions relating to certain proposals under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994. This is set out in Section 179(6)(bb) of the Planning and Development Act of 2000, which states the following exemption: - 

“works, other than works involving road widening, to enhance public bus services or improve facilities for cyclists provided under section 95 (as amended by section 37 of the Road Traffic Act 1994) of the Road Traffic Act 1961 or under section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994”. 

Accordingly, any works “to enhance public bus services or improve facilities for cyclists” including that proposed under the Cherrywood to Rathmichael Manor Rapid Build Cycle Scheme which are delivered under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994, are exempted from the local authority Part VIII planning process. 


Why your views matter

The public consultation period is open from 9th April 2024 to 7th May 2024, and submissions or observations are invited. You are encouraged to use the DLRCC online Consultation hub Citizen Space however  submissions or observations may also be made in writing to: 

Active Travel Section, Infrastructure and Climate Change Department, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, A96 K6C9  

Or by e-mail:

All postal and email submissions should be marked ‘Cherrywood to Rathmichael Manor Rapid Build Cycle Scheme’ and must be received by DLRCC by 7th May 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted. Only one submission per person.  

Hard copies of the documents are available to view during office hours at The Hub public counter, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council County Hall, 2 Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, A96 K6C9. 

Following public consultation and the conclusion of the Section 38 process, the detailed design of the scheme will commence, subject to funding allocation and a successful procurement process. 

Data Protection Notice  

Any personal data supplied as part of this Public Consultation process shall be processed in accordance with the principles laid out in the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. Personal data is any information that can identify a living individual. These laws exist to ensure that your data is managed safely and used responsibly. Any information, which you submit will be kept securely and will not be disclosed or shared with other parties (unless required by law or stated in our privacy policy).  

The information gathered will only be used for this purpose and will not be used for any other purposes. 

You can access the Council’s Data Privacy Statement here.


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  • Anyone from any background


  • Road Safety
  • Cycling
  • Smarter Travel