We Asked, You Said, We Did

Below are some of the issues we have recently consulted on and their outcomes.

We asked

DLR invited submissions/observations to the Proposed Development: Blackrock DART to Park Active Travel Scheme at Blackrock, Co. Dublin  during a pre-draft public consultation that ran from Friday the 28th of June 2024 to Friday 9th of August 2024.

You said

There was a total of 321 submissions received within the statutory consultation period. These comprised of 302 submissions through Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Citizen Space Hub and 19 written submissions by email. 

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments received. The Chief Executive’s Report on the Public Consultation was brought to the Elected Members. The report and its recommendations were agreed by the Elected Members at the October 2024 County Council Meeting.

The Chief Executive’s Part 8 Report on the Public Consultation is available to read below.

We asked

DLR invited submissions to the Sports Centre Building (including Swimming Pools and Sports Hall) and Ancillary Amenities at the Samuel Beckett Civic Campus, Ballyogan Road, Dublin 18. project which compromises Sports Building to include Swimming Pools (25m and Learner Pool), Sports Hall, Gym, Studios, upgrades to 3 existing Grass Pitches, new small All-Weather Area, covered outdoor Changing Area, Children's Playgrounds, Teen Area, Skate Park, Bike Hub, Civic Space, Extension of existing Car Park, Drop-off parking areas, Peripheral Pathways with incidental activities, Viewing areas, Site drainage, Landscaped areas enhancing site biodiversity.

You said

There was a total of 316 submissions received within the statutory consultation period. These comprised of 303 submissions through Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Citizen Space Hub and 13 written submissions by email. 

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments received. The Chief Executive’s Report on the Public Consultation was brought to the Elected Members. The report and its recommendations were agreed by the Elected Members at the May 2024 County Council Meeting with the following amendment,

“The Council agree to undertake a feasibility study to explore the option of delivering a 25m pool with a continuous depth of 1.8m and a floating floor."

The Chief Executive’s Part 8 Report on the Public Consultation is available to read in related documents below.

We asked

dlr Forward Planning Infrastructure Department sought the public's comments or observations in relation to the development, build-out and delivery of the Cherrywood Town Centre and Environs, as well as identifying any potential new opportunities that may arise from the Review.

You said

143 submissions were received in relation to this Non-Statutory Public Consultation.

We did

dlr Forward Planning Infrastructure Department are reviewing all submissions/observations received with a view to submitting an amendment to the Cherrywood Planning Scheme to An Board Pleanala.

We asked

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council invited submissions in respect of the Living Streets: Dún Laoghaire, a sustainable mobility and public realm improvement project which aims to enhance the attractiveness, liveability, connectivity, and economic vibrancy of Dún Laoghaire town. Following on from the temporary measures implemented during the summer of 2021, the proposed scheme will permanently upgrade the urban realm in Dún Laoghaire. Works will provide for street and road safety improvements (including pedestrianisation of part of George's Street Lower, Sussex Street and Convent Road), modal filters and Clarinda Park improvements.  

You said

There was a total of 7,057 submissions received within the statutory consultation period (2 November 2023 to 16 January 2024) - the highest number of submissions ever received for any public consultation held by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. These comprised 6,444 online submissions through the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Citizen Space Hub, 492 email or postal submissions, and 121 paper surveys submitted through DLR libraries.

Overall, 53.9% of submissions were in support of the scheme in the proposed format; 10.4% were in support of the scheme with certain changes, and 34.5% did not support the scheme. Approximately 1.2% of submissions did not clearly indicate a preference for or against the scheme.  

We did

The Council has reviewed and recorded all the feedback and comments received during the consultation period and this was incorporated into the Part 8 Chief Executive’s Report. The Part 8 Chief Executive’s Report was brought before the Elected Members of the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. The Living Streets: Dún Laoghaire Part 8 scheme with amendments was agreed at the Council Meeting of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council on 11 March 2024 (formally adopted on 12 March 2024 due to meeting concluding after midnight). The Part 8 Chief Executive’s Report, EIA and AA Screening Report Addendum, and amended scheme drawings are available to view below. 

We asked

We asked for your submissions / observations during a pre-draft public consultation that ran from Tuesday 12th September 2023 to Tuesday 17th October 2023.

You said

We recieved a total of 109 submissions / observations.

The Planning Authority would like to thank everyone who took the time to prepare and submit a submission / observation and who attended one of the drop in days. 

We did

We reviewed all submissions / observations and prepared a Chief Executive's Report that provides an overview of issues raised during the pre-draft public consualtion.

The outcome of the consultation can be viewed online here.

We asked

DLR invited submissions to the Rochestown Avenue Active Travel Scheme, a walking and cycling facilities improvement project, which aims to enhance the safety conditions and attractiveness of Rochestown Avenue. The proposed scheme will upgrade the pedestrian and cycle infrastructure along 2.2 km of road from Bakers Corner to the Graduate Roundabout; the urban realm will also be improved with new hard and soft landscaping, wildflower planting, SuDS measures and some street furniture close to the National Rehabilitation Hospital. 

You said

There was a total of 248 submissions received within the statutory consultation period. These comprised 205 submissions through the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Citizen Space Hub 35 written submissions by email/letter and 8 submissions filled in person at the drop-in info session. 

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments received. The Chief Executive’s Report on the Public Consultation was brought to the Elected Members.  Councillors noted the report and its recommendations with a minor amendment suggested to the design of the Rochestown Avenue/Pottery Road junction. The Part 8 with the minor amendment was adopted by resolution at the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Meeting on September 11th 2023. The Chief Executive’s Report (including EIA & AA Screening Reports), Determinations and Amended drawings, are available below.  

We asked

DLR invited submissions to the Living Streets Blackrock Village, a public realm improvement project which aims to enhance the attractiveness, liveability, connectivity and economic vibrancy of Blackrock Village. Building on the temporary measures implemented during the COVID restrictions of summer 2020 on Blackrock Main Street, the plan will move the village from a temporary layout to a high-quality permanent design.  

You said

There was a total of 509 submissions received within the statutory consultation period. These comprised of 456 submissions through Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Citizen Space Hub and 53 written submissions by email/letter. 

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments received. The Chief Executive’s Report on the Public Consultation was brought to the Elected Members.  The report and its recommendations were agreed upon by the Elected Members at the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Meeting on July 3rd 2023. The Chief Executive’s Report on the Public Consultation is available to read below.  The designers will incorporate some minor improvements suggested in the submissions to the scheme in the detailed design. 

We asked

DLR invited submissions to the Oatlands All Weather Pitch project which compromises an all-weather pitch including earthworks & formation preparation, retaining walls, drainage, sub-base preparation, shockpad & synthetic turf, fencing & netting, ballstop netting, floodlighting, prefabricated buildings, new access steps & paths, tree & woodland planting and all ancillary civil, building and landscaping works at Oatlands College

You said

There was a total of 1171 submissions received within the statutory consultation period. These comprised of 1155 submissions through Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Citizen Space Hub and 16 written submissions by email/letter. 

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments received. The Chief Executive’s Report on the Public Consultation was brought to the Elected Members. The report and its recommendations were Agreed by the Elected Members at the June 2023 County Council Meeting. The designers will incorporate some minor improvements suggested in the submissions to the scheme in the detailed design. The Chief Executive’s Report on the Public Consultation is available to read here

We asked

DLR invited submissions to Shanganagnagh Park (Phase 1) which aims to upgrade a section of the park for active and passive recreation.  

You said

There was a total of 1107 submissions received within the statutory consultation period. These comprised of 1032 submissions through Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Citizen Space Hub and 75 written submissions by email/letter. 

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments received. The Chief Executive’s Report in relation to the proposed Shanganagh Park (Phase 1) development was submitted to the Elected Members of the local authority.


The proposed development and the Chief Executive Report which recommended that the proposed development as modified in that Report should be proceeded with were considered and approved by the Elected Members at the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Meeting on the 12th of February 2024. The Chief Executive’s Report on the Public Consultation is available to read below.


Please note that pursuant to section 179(4(b) of the Planning and Development Act 2001 as amended the proposed development as modified in the manner recommended in the Chief Executive's Report and approved by the Elected Members may now proceed.


Results updated 27th March 2024

We asked

DLR invited views on the naming of the public park which is located beside One South County, at the entrance to South County Business Park, Leopardstown Racecourse and Leopardstown Park Hospital.

The public were asked to select a name from the following four options:

Blackberry Park (Páirc na Sméar) 

Overend Park (Páirc Overend) 

Páirc an Locháin Lile (Lily Pond Park) 

Tipperstown Park (Páirc Bhaile an Tipéaraigh)


You said

1369 votes were cast as follows:

Blackberry Park (Páirc na Sméar) - 194 (14.2%)

Overend Park (Páirc Overend) - 827 (60.4%)

Páirc an Locháin Lile (Lily Pond Park) - 136 (9.9%)

Tipperstown Park (Páirc Bhaile an Tipéaraigh) - 212 (15.5%)


We did

The Dundrum Area Committee formally ratified the name Overend Park at their meeting on March 6th.

We asked

dlr Housing Construction Section sought the public's comments or observations in relation to PC/H/04/2022 St. Michael's Park, Monkstown Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin and Burton Car Park, Leopardstown Road, Dublin 18 -Proposed Housing Development.

You said

8 Submissions were received in relation to this consultation.

We did

dlr Housing Construction Section received Part 8 Planning Approval at the February 2023 Council Meeting.

Minutes of the County Council meeting held on 13 February 2023.pdf

Final Agenda and Reports February County Council Meeting.pdf


We asked

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is developing the Deansgrange Cycle Route Scheme which proposes a cycle track on both sides of Kill Lane that proceeds from the entrance to Clonkeen Park to the Deansgrange Road/Kill Lane signalised junction. Pedestrian and cycle crossings are provided on two arms of the junction which will allow cyclists to travel between Kill Lane and Deansgrange Road.

On Deansgrange Road, it is proposed to provide a two-way cycle track on the western side of the road. It will tie in the proposed route i.e. part of the Dundrum to Dun Laoghaire Active Travel Scheme (the DLR Connector).

You said

We received a total of 1252 submissions. These comprised 683 submissions through DLR Citizen SpaceHub 536 email submissions, and 33 letters. 246 submissions were deemed duplicates. These duplicates were combined into single submissions, and so the total number of submissions analysed was 1006.

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments received. The Chief Executive’s Report on the Public Consultation was brought to the Elected Members. The report and its recommendations were noted by Councillors and amended by resolution at the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council meeting on 13 March 2023. The Consultation Report, EIA & AA Screening Report Addendum, Amended drawings, and Deansgrange FAQs are available to read below. 

We asked

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is developing a high-quality pedestrian and cycling infrastructure to promote active travel on, Kill Avenue (R830), Mounttown Road Lower (R829), Mounttown Road Upper (R829) & Glenageary Road Upper (R829), Dún Laoghaire. 

It is proposed to install continuous, high-quality, and segregated walking and cycling facilities, improved public realm areas including incidental play features, improved bus priority along Kill Avenue up to the Bakers Corner Junction, and also improve the landscaping including sustainable urban drainage systems.  

You said

We received a total of 358 submissions. These comprised 304 submissions through DLR Citizen SpaceHub and 57 email submissions.

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments received. A report on the public consultation was brought to the Elected Members. The report and its recommendations were noted by Councillors. The designers will take account of the comments and the concerns raised when developing the detailed design.

We asked

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, in conjunction with An Taisce and the National Transport Authority, is proposing to improve road safety adjacent to schools in the county as part of the NTA Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Programme. The purpose of the schemes is to make the areas immediately adjacent to the schools safer so that children can be encouraged and facilitated to walk and cycle to the schools safely.

A period of non-statutory public consultation was carried out for the proposed traffic and road safety works outside the Carysfort National School, Convent Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin which aim to improve safety at school entrances, improve access routes to school and encourage pupils to walk and cycle.

The Scheme is being prepared in accordance with Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994

You said

We received a total of 136 submissions. These comprised 129 submissions through DLR Citizen SpaceHub, 6 via email and 1 by post.

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments received. A report on the public consultation was brought to the Elected members at the Dún Laoghaire Area Committee meeting. The report and its recommendations were noted by Councillors.

The designers will consider the comments and the concerns raised when developing the detailed design.

We asked

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, in conjunction with An Taisce and the National Transport Authority, is proposing to improve road safety adjacent to schools in the county as part of the NTA Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Programme. The purpose of the schemes is to make the areas immediately adjacent to the schools safer so that children can be encouraged and facilitated to walk and cycle to the schools safely.

A period of non-statutory public consultation was run for proposed traffic and road safety works outside the Holy Family National School, Dunedin Park, Monkstown Farm, Dún Laoghaire which aim to improve safety at school entrances, improve access routes to school and encourage pupils to walk and cycle.

The Scheme is being prepared in accordance with Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994

You said

We received a total of 17 submissions. These comprised 16 submissions through DLR Citizen SpaceHub and 1 by email.

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments received. A report on the public consultation was brought to the Elected members at the Dún Laoghaire Area Committee meeting. The report and its recommendations were noted by Councillors.

The designers will consider the comments and the concerns raised when developing the detailed design.

We asked

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, in conjunction with An Taisce and the National Transport Authority, is proposing to improve road safety adjacent to schools in the county as part of the NTA Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Programme. The purpose of the schemes is to make the areas immediately adjacent to the schools safer so that children can be encouraged and facilitated to walk and cycle to the schools safely.

A period of non-statutory public consultation was undertaken for the proposed traffic and road safety works outside the Holy Cross National School, Kilmacud Road Upper, Dundrum, Dublin 14 which aim to improve safety at school entrances, improve access routes to school and encourage pupils to walk and cycle.

The Scheme is being prepared in accordance with Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994

You said

We received a total of 84 submissions. These comprised 83 submissions through DLR Citizen SpaceHub and 1 by post.

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments received. A report on the public consultation was brought to the Elected members at the Dundrum Area Committee meeting. The report and its recommendations were noted by Councillors.

The designers will consider the comments and the concerns raised when developing the detailed design.

We asked

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, in conjunction with An Taisce and the National Transport Authority, is proposing to improve road safety adjacent to schools in the county as part of the NTA Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Programme. The purpose of the schemes is to make the areas immediately adjacent to the schools safer so that children can be encouraged and facilitated to walk and cycle to the schools safely.

A period of non-statutory public consultation was run for proposed traffic and road safety works outside the Holy Family National School, Dunedin Park, Monkstown Farm, Dún Laoghaire which aim to improve safety at school entrances, improve access routes to school and encourage pupils to walk and cycle.

The Scheme is being prepared in accordance with Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994

You said

We received a total of 169 submissions. These comprised 166 submissions through DLR Citizen SpaceHub and 3 by email. 

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments received. A report on the public consultation was brought to the Elected members at the Dún Laoghaire Area Committee meeting. The report and its recommendations were noted by Councillors.

The designers will consider the comments and the concerns raised when developing the detailed design.

We asked

DLR Housing Construction Section sought the public's comments or observations in relation to PC/H/03/2022 27 Patrick's Street, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Proposed Housing Development.

You said

18 Submissions were received in relation to this consultation.

We did

In response to public consultation, in accordance with Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, this Part 8 is not proceeding.

We asked

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is developing a vision for improving safety, reducing motorised traffic speeds and upgrading active mobility infrastructures along the R112 between Stillorgan and Dundrum. The scheme aims to reduce journey times, improve active travel directness and increase the number of trips made by bicycles and pedestrians in the local catchment for leisure, commuting, shopping and education purposes. The Council sought views from the public to help inform the proposal. 

You said

We received 263 submissions during the consultation period via the online survey, emails, postal, and CRMs.

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments. The designers will take account of the comments and concerns raised when developing detailed designs. 

We asked

dlr Housing Construction Section sought the public's comments or observations in relation to PC/H/02/2022 Wood Park, Sallynoggin, Co. Dublin - Proposed Housing Development.

You said

4 Submissions were received in relation to this consultation.

We did

dlr Housing Construction Section received Part 8 Planning Approval at the June 2022 Council Meeting.

Minutes of the County Council Meeting 13 June 2022.pdf

Agenda and Reports June 2022 County Council Meeting.pdf