Blackrock Park - Have Your Say

Closed 12 Apr 2020

Opened 27 Feb 2020

Feedback updated 20 Oct 2020

We asked

DLR Parks & Landscape Services asked for the public to have their say on the design and development of Blackrock Park Masterplan

You said

108 submissions were received in relation to this consultation

We did

We have finalized the Master Plan for Blackrock Park and is now available for public viewing

Results updated 20 Oct 2020







Located on the edge of the municipal area, Blackrock Park straddles the urban and suburban threshold. It is a key, strategically located park as it is situated in the intra urban area adjacent to the coast. For this reason, it is highlighted in the green infrastructure strategy as a key gateway as part of a coastal route and as a coast to mountains route.

The park is characterised by its elongated shape stretching along the coastline. It is defined by Blackrock village to the south, the Dart line and Dublin Bay to the East, Booterstown Dart station to the north and The Rock Road along its western edge.

Why your views matter

We want to create a new masterplan for Blackrock Park. This masterplan will establish a clear vision for how the park will be shaped into the future. It will guide changes in the short to long term and ensure a holistic approach is adopted with any new interventions.

This consultation process will directly inform the masterplan for the park. Feedback from the public will ensure that the broadest possible spectrum of views are captured. A shared vision will help to establish a more robust and sustainable blueprint for Blackrock Park. Embedding a sense of ownership within the local community is a key goal of the masterplan.

The following aims and objectives are being used to help formulate the Blackrock Park Masterplan;

1. Develop the park in a holistic and sustainable manner and explore the use of renewable energy for the parks power requirements.

2. Maximise tree canopy cover in the park and where appropriate implement nature-based solutions in line with Councils Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024.

3. Strategically shape Blackrock Park as a ‘Gateway Park’ on the threshold between Dun Laoghaire Rathdown and Dublin City.

4. Establish a unified park connecting the necklace of spaces between Blackrock and Booterstown.

5. Put in place a long-term vision for Blackrock Park. Arrange the park and its elements into a logical order to exploit the parks amenity value within the context of the historic landscape.

6. Conserve and restore the built heritage and provide suitable, sympathetic and sustainable uses for the properties in the context of a Regional Park.

7. Protect and enhance the natural heritage, flora & fauna and marine heritage of the park.

8. Reinstate the historic Victorian layout within the heritage section of the park.

9. Increase the horticultural offering of the park in a sustainable manner. An emphasis on bold, naturalistic sweeps of herbaceous planting suitable for the coastal conditions.

10. Encourage greater footfall and daily use with a suitable and appropriate level of visitor facilities provided throughout the park.

11. To provide high quality passive recreational facilities including rest and relaxation spaces in appropriate locations.

12. Develop high quality dynamic recreational facilities, available to a wide range of the population in order to encourage a more active lifestyle.

13. Develop a stronger physical connection with Blackrock Village and the surrounding areas.

14. Create a stronger physical and visual connection with the coastline.

15. Upgrade the existing greenway in the park for walking and cycling.

16. Develop a way-finding strategy for the park and surrounding areas.

17. Foster greater community engagement and educational programmes associated with the park.

18. To acknowledge the size and scale of the park through strategic interventions that will also benefit the broader county.

19. To ensure the final adopted Masterplan is used in its entirety for the development and conservation of Blackrock Park without significant amendment.


What happens next

A shared vision (15-20 year life span)

Community’s overall and collective vision




Agreed Design principles

Community, Local Authority and other Stakeholders

New interventions which conserve, celebrate and enhance distinctiveness identified through the public meeting and analysis

An action plan

Setting out specific and phased projects


  • Blackrock Electoral Area


  • Anyone from any background


  • Playgrounds
  • Playing Pitches
  • Markets
  • Events
  • Sports Facilities