Parks: Corke Abbey Valley Park

Closed 11 Jul 2022

Opened 27 Jun 2022

Results updated 16 Aug 2022

dlr Parks asked the public to have their say on the future development of Corke Abbey Valley Park. The result is set out in the report attached.



Corke Abbey Valley Park is situated on the southern boundary of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown. The park is characterised by its early mature mixed broadleaf and riparian woodlands and is of nature conservation value. It has a unique geographical coastal location situated within a valley. It is straddled by Woodbrook estate to the north, Corke Abbey estate and Solus Tower Industrial Estate to the east and impassible train lines to the west. There is an SHD development proposed to the south of the site on the former Bray Golf Course lands.  

The park, which is of local importance, is identified as an area susceptible to flooding from the Crinken Stream which traverses the site, according to the Eastern CFRAM Study. The study indicates that the site would be affected by out of bank flooding from the Crinken / Woodbrook Stream during the 1 in 10 year, 1 in 100 year and 1 in 1000 year flood events.

This draft masterplan sets out a strategic vision for the park which creates a framework within which individual projects can take place. It will maximise the potential of the park, conserve areas of biodiverse value and will prevent a piece meal approach to any future developments. The objective is to enhance the habitat rich, biodiverse nature within the park while addressing the requirements of everyday users. There is no set timeframe for the complete implementation of the masterplan.  

Corke Abbey Valley Park sits strategically at a location central to existing and future development. The drafting of the masterplan is timely as it coincides with the proposed residential developments on the former Bray Golf Course lands. Permeability and linkages are key goals which will make a positive contribution to the local area. Co-operation between Council departments and co-ordination with external consultants has resulted in a holistic draft masterplan for the park with improve linkages to Bray Seafront. This public consultation process will refine the plan further and provide the necessary local knowledge to ensure observations and comments are captured. 

A draft Masterplan has been developed based on an analysis of Corke Abbey Valley Park, ecological studies and pre-consultation with many of its stakeholders. Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council would now like to invite submissions or observations regarding the draft Masterplan prior to these being finalised.  

An invitation for further submissions and observations will be available during the formal Part VIII process. 

Why your views matter

We want to create a new masterplan for Corke Abbey Valley Park. This masterplan will establish a clear vision for how the park will be shaped into the future. It will guide changes in the short to long term and ensure a holistic approach is adopted with any new interventions.  

This consultation process will directly inform the masterplan for the park. Feedback from the public will ensure that the broadest possible spectrum of views are captured. A shared vision will help to establish a more robust and sustainable blueprint for the park. Embedding a sense of ownership within the local community is a key goal of the masterplan. 

The following aims and objectives are being used to help formulate the Corke Abbey Valley Park Masterplan; 

The following Aims and Objectives were formulated to guide the initial design for the future development of the park. This description of the proposed works should be read in conjunction with the supporting drawings and reports.  

  1. Ecology: Enhance and encourage biodiversity by reducing human interference and providing suitable buffer zones for habitat. 

  1. Connectivity & Permeability: Improve connectivity and permeability for all users of the park to encourage an active lifestyle. 

  1. Amenity: Upgrade the park in a holistic manner to include suitable areas for seating, viewing and natural play (mounds, boulders, tree trunks) 

  1. Consultation & Engagement: Consult and engage the residents and schools to provide input and insight to guide the project aims and objectives and promote stewardship. 


To assist us with the collation of the information, below are list of subheadings that may help in guiding your submission. 

Suggested sub category headings:  

  • Nature (habitat and wildlife)  

  • Passive recreation (seating and walks)  

  • Active Recreation (exercise & play)  

  • Ease of access (pedestrian entrances)  

  • Other  

It would be appreciated if submissions were kept concise and short. A recommended max of 50 words per section is suggested. 


  • All Areas


  • All residents


  • All Interests