Forward Planning Infrastructure: Proposed Amendment No. 9 Cherrywood Residential Car Parking Standards

Closed 1 Jul 2024

Opened 31 May 2024

Results updated 30 Jul 2024

Following the statutory public consultation period, which took place between 31st May 2024 - 1st July 2024, the Planning Authority’s Response on Submissions Received was submitted to An Bord Pleanála on 25th July 2024, for their further determination.



Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council as the Development Agency appointed by Government to promote the Cherrywood Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) Planning Scheme made an application to An Bord Pleanála on 31st May 2023 to amend the approved Cherrywood Planning Scheme 2014 (as amended) in relation to Residential Car Parking Standards, Section 4.2.10 Car Parking Standards. 

The main reasons for the proposed Amendment are as follows: 

  • To update the Planning Scheme to align and accord with changed and emerging national, regional and local policy context relating to car parking, and to promote sustainable public and active travel modes, and climate change mitigation measures.  

  • To guide the provision of an appropriate level of car parking provision, including having regard also to the need to consider car ownership and usage trends, changes in travel behaviour, climate action, and emerging best practice in relation to car parking. 

  • To set out reduced maximum car parking standards for residential development across each of the residential density zones (Res 1 - Res 4) and within the Town Centre and Village Centres, and for shared car spaces. 

  • To reduce the maximum residential car parking standards as proposed by way of this Amendment to take cognisance of proximity to public transport services, the ambitious modal split targets for sustainable transport modes as set in the Cherrywood Planning Scheme, and the potential for car sharing and other recent and emerging innovations in car parking. 

An Bord Pleanála, as the relevant Competent Authority, notified the Planning Authority on 17 May 2024 regarding their determination, under Section 170A(4)(b), that the proposed Amendment to the Cherrywood Planning Scheme constitutes a material change but which falls within the criteria set out in subsection 3(b). Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 170A(7) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, that a copy of the proposed Amendment, along with the Reports to Inform Screening for SEA and AA in accordance with subsection (6)(b) may be inspected at the following locations, during normal opening hours, for a specific period of not less than four weeks from Friday 31 May 2024 to Monday 1 July 2024 inclusive at: 

  1. The Planning Department, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, between 10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays, and 

  1. The Council Offices, Dundrum Office Park, Dundrum, between 9.30am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 4.30pm Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays, and 

  1. Via the dlr consultations on the Council’s website homepage and at 

A series of Public Information Sessions – to be attended by Foward Planning Infrastructure Planning Officials – are scheduled for the following dates and venues: 




County Hall, Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire 

Tuesday 11 June 2024 

10.00am - 1.00pm 

Beckett Park Pavilion, Castle Street, Cherrywood 

Wednesday 19 June 2024  

5.00pm - 8.00pm 

Written submissions or observations with respect to the proposed Amendment and associated Reports to Inform Screening for SEA and AA are invited from members of the public and other interested parties including children or groups or associations representing the interests of children and may be made in writing to the Planning Authority not later than 5pm on Monday 1st July 2024 as follows: 

  1. Online at, or 

  1. By email to, or 

  1. In writing to Administrative Officer, Forward Planning Infrastructure Department, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. 

Submissions and Observations should be clearly marked “Residential Car Parking Standards – Proposed Amendment Cherrywood SDZ”. Any such submissions or observations will be taken into consideration before making a decision on the proposed Amendment. 

Please Note:  

In accordance with Section 170A (7) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended, only submissions or observations in relation to the Proposed Amendment and associated documents will be taken into consideration. Submissions not adhering to these criteria will not be considered.  

What happens next

Submissions or observations will be taken into consideration while drafting a report for the consideration of An Bord Pleanála. 


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