Traffic: Schools & Sports Clubs Cycle Parking
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council invites schools and sport clubs to apply for cycle parking stands. These will be delivered to the school or sports club grounds by the Council. Interested schools and sport clubs should complete the survey at the end of this page by 14 March 2025.
Who can apply?
- All schools and sports clubs in the County that have suitable locations within their grounds for the cycle parking stands.
- If you have a suggestion for cycle parking in a public place, please email
What type of cycle parking will be supplied?
The free-standing steel toaster cycle parking stand consists of 5 cycle stands on a flat steel bar. This will provide parking for 10 bikes. The toaster cycle parking stand is 4.0m long, 600mm high and 750mm wide.
Why your views matter
- We will supply cycle parking stands to your school or sports club free of charge.
- Priority will be given to those who are active in promoting cycling and to those who have not received cycle parking to date.
What the school/sports club needs to do:
- Schools and sports clubs should have adequate space to install/secure the cycle parking stands in a safe manner once they are delivered.
- Cycle parking stands should be located so that they are clearly visible and are easy to access, i.e. inside the school gate, not behind a club house or trees etc.
- Once the stands are delivered to the school and sports club, the stands become their responsibility. Schools and sports clubs will need to sign a waiver to accept responsibility for the cycle parking stands as part of the application process.
- Photos of any existing cycle parking stands in use can be submitted as part of the application.
Completing the online survey
This is a short survey and we would appreciate your input. It will provide some relevant feedback about the interest of your school or club in obtaining cycle parking stands. It should only take 5 minutes to complete.
The information gathered will be accessible to Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council's Traffic & Road Safety Section. The data provided will be used to help distribute the cycle parking stands.
If you have any questions, you can contact us by emailing or calling 01 205 4700.
Data Protection Notice
Any personal data supplied as part of this Survey shall be processed in accordance with the principles laid out in the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
Personal data is any information that can identify a living individual. These laws exist to ensure that your data is managed safely and used responsibly.
Any information which you submit will be stored securely. Your name and email will only be used to contact you if you wish to obtain cycle parking stands from Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.
The information gathered will only be used for this purpose and will not be used for any other purposes. It will be deleted after the closure of the consultation and the distribution of the cycle parking stands.
For further information, you can access the Council’s Data Protection page here.
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