Housing Needs Assessment 2016

Closed 19 Aug 2016

Opened 24 Jun 2016


All Local Authorities are required by the Department of the Environment, Community & Local Government to complete a Housing Needs Assessment for everyone who has applied for inclusion on the Social Housing Support List. 

The purpose of the Housing Needs Assessment is to capture the total number of households qualified for social housing support across the country whose social housing need is not being met, in order to understand the level of need for such support.

Why your views matter

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is currently in the process of contacting all individuals and households on our housing list to gather the information required for the Housing Needs Assessment.

Individuals and households are required to confirm that they are still interested in social housing support with the Council by completing this survey or the paper form, which has been posted to them and is also available to download below.

All forms/surveys returned to the Council will be reassessed to ensure you have a continuing need for housing. It will be assumed that those individuals/households who do not reply to our requests for information are no longer interested in remaining on the Council's Social Housing Support List and their files will be closed.




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