Traffic & Road Safety: Taney Road to N11 Active Travel Route

Closed 17 Jun 2022

Opened 9 May 2022

Feedback updated 2 Jul 2024

We asked

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is developing a vision for improving safety, reducing motorised traffic speeds and upgrading active mobility infrastructures along the R112 between Stillorgan and Dundrum. The scheme aims to reduce journey times, improve active travel directness and increase the number of trips made by bicycles and pedestrians in the local catchment for leisure, commuting, shopping and education purposes. The Council sought views from the public to help inform the proposal. 

You said

We received 263 submissions during the consultation period via the online survey, emails, postal, and CRMs.

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments. The designers will take account of the comments and concerns raised when developing detailed designs. 

Results updated 2 Jul 2024



DLRCC is seeking to establish a high quality Active Travel route along the R112 between Stillorgan and Dundrum. 

The scheme is focused on improving safety, reducing motorised traffic speeds, and upgrading active mobility infrastructure along the r112. The proposals include:

  • Reducing the existing road with along the R112 to facilitate slower traffic speeds.
  • The upgrade and introduction of a segregated cycleway along the R112.
  • The upgrade of existing crossings for users; to provide easy and safe routes to key destinations on either side of the street.
  • The provision of additional crossings for users at key locations, based on the consideration of desire lines.
  • The upgrade of existing junctions to facilitate safer walking and cycling movements.
  • The integration of continuous footways and cycleways at side streets to enable safe and easy transition to side streets.

Information Sessions:

  • An open evening is arranged for Monday 16th May from 16:00 to 19:00 at DLR Offices, Dundrum Office Park, Main Street, Dundrum.

  • A webinar is also arranged for Wednesday 25th May from 18:00 – 20:00. Register for this event:

Why your views matter

The proposed scheme will seek to improve safety, reduce active journey times, improve active travel directnessand contribute to the increasing numbers of trips being made by bicycle and pedestrians in the local catchmentfor leisure, commuting, shopping and education.

It is acknowledged that the scheme will result in a reduction of the existing motorised carriageway width and may impact on the operational efficiency of the existing motorised arms of traffickedjunctionsto facilitate the new safe active travel provision.

The proposed scheme seeks providessafer, more sustainable travel facilitatesthat linkto residential, commercial, educational and leisure areas across the Greater Dublin Area.

Submissions and observations can be made or via e-mail to or giving your views below.

Observations should be clearly marked "Taney Road to N11 Active Travel Route"

The closing date for receipt of submissions is Friday 17th of June at 4pm.



  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Road Safety
  • Cycling
  • Smarter Travel
  • Traffic Management
  • Parking
  • Road Network