Dún Laoghaire Harbour Masterplan
Dún Laoghaire Harbour Masterplan
Dún Laoghaire Rathdown-County Council, with support from Fáilte Ireland, are creating a Masterplan for Dún Laoghaire Harbour to guide its operations and development into the future. The Masterplan will serve as a long-term (non-statutory) planning document that sets out a future vision to guide decision-making around the Harbour’s growth and development. It will contain ideas for enhancing the environment, heritage, economy, recreation, tourism and public spaces within and around Dún Laoghaire Harbour and its waters. The Masterplan will also aim to build climate resilience, increase biodiversity and greening. It will contain short, medium, and long-term actions to achieve its vision. The Masterplan is being developed by an international design team led by Arrow and Sleth, with M-CO managing public engagement.
Pre-Draft Consultation
A ‘Pre-Draft’ public consultation took place from 11th September to 23rd October 2024 and was the first round of consultation on the project. The aim of this consultation was to promote interest in the Masterplan and to encourage feedback on what works well now, along with obtaining ideas for the Harbour’s improvement from a variety of different perspectives.
Consultation activities included:
- Online survey –hosted on dlr Citizen Space
- Stakeholder Meetings with 55 different groups (See Appendix for meeting notes).
- Free Boat Tours of Harbour – Saturday 21st September
- Webinar–held on 2ndOctober at 7pm, and subsequently posted online.
- dlrLexIconLibrary Information Exhibit –with project posters and a feedback station, including an Artist Chalk Installation
- Pop-up and Youth Open House Event at dlrLexIconLibrary
- Children's art submissions –‘Wish You Were Here’ Postcards available across 3 x libraries and local schools.
1,053 formal submissions were received between the online survey, email and postal submissions. A further 370 feedback cards and 280 children’s creative postcards were received from the public libraries.
The resulting consultation report (available to download below) provides an overview of feedback received and outlines key themes that emerged. The report is informing the early design work currently underway by Arrow Architects and SLETH who are leading the Dún Laoghaire Harbour Masterplan consortium. A Draft Masterplan will go to public consultation in Summer 2025.
- All Areas
- Anyone from any background
- All Interests
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