Active Travel Improvements: Deansgrange Cycle Route Scheme

Closed 27 Oct 2022

Opened 15 Sep 2022

Feedback updated 2 Jul 2024

We asked

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is developing the Deansgrange Cycle Route Scheme which proposes a cycle track on both sides of Kill Lane that proceeds from the entrance to Clonkeen Park to the Deansgrange Road/Kill Lane signalised junction. Pedestrian and cycle crossings are provided on two arms of the junction which will allow cyclists to travel between Kill Lane and Deansgrange Road.

On Deansgrange Road, it is proposed to provide a two-way cycle track on the western side of the road. It will tie in the proposed route i.e. part of the Dundrum to Dun Laoghaire Active Travel Scheme (the DLR Connector).

You said

We received a total of 1252 submissions. These comprised 683 submissions through DLR Citizen SpaceHub 536 email submissions, and 33 letters. 246 submissions were deemed duplicates. These duplicates were combined into single submissions, and so the total number of submissions analysed was 1006.

We did

DLR has reviewed all the feedback and comments received. The Chief Executive’s Report on the Public Consultation was brought to the Elected Members. The report and its recommendations were noted by Councillors and amended by resolution at the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council meeting on 13 March 2023. The Consultation Report, EIA & AA Screening Report Addendum, Amended drawings, and Deansgrange FAQs are available to read below. 

Results updated 2 Jul 2024



Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown-County Council’s main aim of the active school travel scheme is to provide students and parents with safe, direct and comfortable walking and cycling routes to schools. The project aims to also provide an alternative for families who do not or cannot drive, may not be able to avail of public transport or wish to travel to school on foot or by bike. The COVID19 pandemic has in part initiated this project and was first proposed in August 2020.

The plan can help avoid traffic congestion at school entrances, as well as encourage a shift away from the use of the private car, particularly for short journeys up to approximately 4 km in length. This initiative is also aligned with the Council’s wider climate action agenda, including objectives of the County Development Plan and the Council's Climate Change Action Plan, and is in line with national policy on enabling and promoting sustainable transport.

Three routes have been proposed and have been summarised below:

Sea to Mountains: “will link east to west across the County. Starting at Blackrock Dart Station, crossing the N11 to Deerpark. It will then continue south linking to the Sandyford Cycle Route and Kilmacud Luas Stop and on to the Slang River Greenway and Wicklow Way."

Park to Park: “will link north to south across the county. Starting at the coast at Blackrock Dart Station and then joining the existing pathways in Rockfield Park. From there it will continue south along Deansgrange Road linking to the Loughlinstown to Deansgrange Greenway and ending by linking south to the coast.”

Mountains to Metals: “will link east-west across the county. Starting at the Sandyford Cycle Route, linking to the Sea to Mountains Route, the route also links up to the Park to Park route, north through residential areas and new developments and on to the Metals.”


The overall objectives of the proposed scheme, which have been developed following consideration of the above relevant policy documentation, include the following:

• Align with relevant Policy Documents including the DLRCC County Development Plan (2016 – 2022) as well as the Draft DLRCC County Development Plan (2022 – 2028);

• Improve the pedestrian and cycling environment within Deansgrange and provide a key connection link that will cater for school and commuting travel demand as well as recreational demand use;

• Provide a safer environment for all road users;

• Promote sustainable transport;

• The scheme proposes to deliver a high-quality, safe walking and cycling route that will meet the current demand within the Deansgrange area.

• This scheme provides a key connection between the “Park to Park” Route and the “Mountains to Metals” Route proposed as part of the overall Active School Travel Project. It is proposed to upgrade the existing cycle facilities along Kill Lane between the entrance to Clonkeen Park and the junction with Deansgrange Road.

• A new pedestrian crossing at the entrance to the park is proposed. Along Deansgrange Road segregated cycle facilities, new pedestrian crossing facilities and indented parking is proposed. A section of the route enters Deansgrange Cemetery via a new entrance and continues along existing paths.

• Public lighting and other upgrade works are proposed within the cemetery in addition to altering the existing entrances.

• It is also proposed to alter the boundary wall of the cemetery.  

Please scroll to the end of the page to view the reports, drawings and photomontages related to this scheme.  

Why your views matter

The Council are seeking views from the public to help inform the scheme design. A public consultation is being held on the scheme from Thursday 15 September 2022.

Submissions and observations can be made via e-mail to or by logging onto Public Consultation Hub. 

Observations should be clearly marked ‘Deansgrange Cycle Route Scheme’

The closing date for receipt of submissions is Thursday 27th October 2022.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Road Safety
  • Cycling
  • Smarter Travel