Parks: Proposed Development St. Michael's Church Square & Environs  

Opens 11 Mar 2025

Closes 25 Apr 2025


Proposed Development at St Michael's Square & Environs PC-PKS-01-25.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is proposing to develop St. Michael's Square and Environs on the junction of Marine Road and George's Street.  

The Proposal includes for level access off George's Street into a seating/ congregation space at the upper level.  The placemaking project is to improve the general appearance of the locality and to assist in the regeneration of Dún Laoghaire Town. It will also help strengthen the link between Seafront and Town. The project is a continuation of the regreening of Dún Laoghaire and will be characterised by trees, planting, encouraging biodiversity and public seating in a central location in the town. This will comprise of general upgrade to the civic space to include: 

New paving, contemplative seating area, ornamental planting and lighting. 

A new set of steps leading from the upper level to the lower-level, handrails either side is proposed. 

The existing planting in the lower area including the large native Oak tree, and ornamental planting will be provided at the lower level while allowing space for two hearses to park when required. There is a right of way to the rear of the properties on George's Street Lower which will be maintained and managed with a new gate. The haphazard car parking will be removed through the inclusion of street furniture, planting and bollards and space for hearse parking only will be retained. A brass, cruciform motif is to be inlaid into the surface centred at the main entrance to the church. 

The public consultation period for these plans will run from Tuesday 11th March up to and including Friday 25th April 2025 as follows inclusive. During this time, any individual or organisation can submit their observations using the following channels. 

1. By completing the survey below for St. Michael's Square & Environs (Part 8) as part of the statutory consultation period. If you would prefer to share your views in a different format, official submissions can also be made by 

2. Emailing with submissions in your preferred format or  

3. As a written submission by post or in person, clearly marked ‘Proposed Development at St. Michael's Square & Environs   PC/PKS/01/25 ’ to Community, Cultural Services and Parks, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. Post Code A96 K6C9. 

Data Notice: Please note that only submissions through the above official channels will be considered.  

This survey is being carried out to find out your views on Proposed Development at St. Michael's Square & Environs. All comments submitted to the Council regarding this consultation will form part of the report to be presented at a meeting of the elected members. The information gathered will only be used for this purpose and will not be used for any other purposes. You can access the Council’s Data Privacy Statement here.



Eoin O Brien 

(Senior Parks & Landscape Officer, Parks & Community Capital Programme Manager) 

01 205 4700 




Give us your views

This activity will open on 11 Mar 2025. Please come back on or after this date to give us your views.


  • Dun Laoghaire Electoral Area


  • Anyone from any background


  • Website
  • dlr times