Planning: Proposed residential development at Mount St. Mary’s, Dundrum Road, Dublin 14
Closes 1 May 2025
Opened 14 Mar 2025
In accordance with Part 8, Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations, 2001 (as amended), Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council hereby gives notice of a proposal to be carried out for Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council by way of an Agreement with Winterbrook (“the developer”).
The Public are invited to make submissions in relation to a new housing development proposal in the Mount St. Mary’s, Dundrum Road, Dublin 14. Submissions can be made via the online portal below, by email or in writing.
More details of the proposed development, and associated drawings and reports can be found below.
The proposal is for 129 no. units apartments in 3 no. blocks ranging in height from two to six stories and includes:
- Block A (5-6 stores) comprising 65 no. apartments (33 no. 1 bed and 32 no. 2 bed units)
- Block B (5-6 storeys) comprising 56 no. apartments (35 no. 1 bed and 21 no. 2 bed units)
- Block C (2 storeys) comprising 8 no. apartments (4 no. 1 bed and 4 no. 2 bed units)
The proposed development includes:
- Residential communal open space areas
- Public Open space
- Ancillary Structures
- car/cycle parking including 12 EV charging spaces and 3 accessible spaces.
Associated site and infrastructural works includes:
- provision for water services;
- foul and surface water drainage and connections;
- attenuation proposals;
- permeable paving;
- all landscaping works including tree protection, tree removal and new tree planting;
- green roofs;
- boundary treatment;
- internal roads and footpaths; and
- electrical services.
In accordance with S.I. No.476/2011, Section 250, Planning and Development (Amendment) (No.3) Regulations, 2011 and S.l. No. 296/2018 European Union (Planning and Development) (Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)) Regulations 2018, Appropriate Assessment Screening (AA) under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the European Communities (Bird and Natural Habitats), dlr has carried out screenings and has determined the following:
- An appropriate assessment has deemed that there are no likely significant adverse effects on the qualifying interests, special conservation interest or the conservation objectives of any designated European site. A determination has been made that an appropriate assessment is not required.
- There is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment so therefore the preliminary assessment has concluded that an Environmental Impact Assessment Report is not required.
From 4 weeks from the date of this notice you can apply to An Bord Pleanála for an AA & EIA screening determination as to whether the development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.
Plans and particulars of the proposal can be viewed from 14th March 2025 to 01st May 2025 at:
- Planning Department, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, between the hours of 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays
- Council Offices, Dundrum Office Park, Dundrum, between the hours of 9:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 4:30pm Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays
- Online below.
Privacy Statement
All submissions, including the names of persons making the submissions will form part of the report to be presented at a meeting of the elected members. This information will also be included in the minutes of that meeting and may appear in the public domain.
Deadline for submissions is 4:30pm on Thursday May 01, 2025 and can be made:
- Online by clicking the link below
- By email to
- In writing addressed to Housing Delivery, Housing Department, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire
Submissions should be clearly marked PC/H/02/2025 - Proposed residential development at Mount St. Mary’s, Dundrum Road, Dublin 14.
Give us your views
- Site Notice.pdf 530.9 KB (PDF document)
- Appropriate Assessment Screening Report.pdf 1.4 MB (PDF document)
- AA Screening Determination.pdf 397.7 KB (PDF document)
- EIA Screening Report.pdf 926.2 KB (PDF document)
- EIA Screening Determination 525.9 KB (PDF document)
- Ecological Impact Statement.pdf 2.8 MB (PDF document)
- 1000 - Site Location Map, Existing.pdf 651.5 KB (PDF document)
- 1001 - Site Plan, Existing.pdf 660.2 KB (PDF document)
- 1002 - Site Location Plan.pdf 876.3 KB (PDF document)
- 1004 - Site Plan, Proposed.pdf 1.0 MB (PDF document)
- 1020 - Site Wide, Ground Floor, GA Plan.pdf 1.1 MB (PDF document)
- 1021 - Site Wide, First Floor, GA Plan.pdf 955.7 KB (PDF document)
- 1022 - Site Wide, Second Floor, GA Plan.pdf 900.9 KB (PDF document)
- 1023 - Site Wide, Third Floor, GA Plan.pdf 901.8 KB (PDF document)
- 1024 - Site Wide, Fourth Floor, GA Plan.pdf 903.5 KB (PDF document)
- 1025 - Site Wide, Fifth Floor, GA Plan.pdf 801.5 KB (PDF document)
- 1050 - Site Plan, Potential Proposed Masterplan.pdf 971.1 KB (PDF document)
- 1220 - Proposed Apartment Types 01.pdf 749.7 KB (PDF document)
- 1221 - Proposed Apartment Types 02.pdf 495.3 KB (PDF document)
- 2001 - Site Wide, Existing Buildings Elevations.pdf 736.1 KB (PDF document)
- 2002 - Proposed Contextual Elevations.pdf 3.4 MB (PDF document)
- 2101 - Site Wide, Proposed Elevations 01.pdf 8.3 MB (PDF document)
- 2102 - Site Wide, Proposed Elevations 02.pdf 7.5 MB (PDF document)
- 2103 - Site Wide, Proposed Elevations 03.pdf 7.4 MB (PDF document)
- 2104 - Site Wide, Proposed Elevations 04.pdf 6.0 MB (PDF document)
- 2604 - Dundrum Road Elevation, Proposed.pdf 959.3 KB (PDF document)
- 3001 - Site Wide, Proposed Sections 01.pdf 6.5 MB (PDF document)
- 3002 - Site Wide, Proposed Sections 02.pdf 5.5 MB (PDF document)
- 1120 - Block A, Ground Floor, GA Plan.pdf 725.2 KB (PDF document)
- 1121 - Block A, First Floor, GA Plan.pdf 699.9 KB (PDF document)
- 1122 - Block A, Second Floor, GA Plan.pdf 712.8 KB (PDF document)
- 1123 - Block A, Third Floor, GA Plan.pdf 722.6 KB (PDF document)
- 1124 - Block A, Fourth Floor, GA Plan.pdf 722.4 KB (PDF document)
- 1125 - Block A, Fifth Floor, GA Plan.pdf 627.6 KB (PDF document)
- 1126 - Block A, Roof Plan, GA Plan.pdf 395.0 KB (PDF document)
- 2101 - Block A, Proposed Elevations.pdf 7.1 MB (PDF document)
- 3101 - Block A, Proposed A-A, B-B & C-C Sections.pdf 4.2 MB (PDF document)
- 1220 - Block B, Ground Floor, GA Plan.pdf 648.6 KB (PDF document)
- 1221 - Block B, First Floor, GA Plan.pdf 606.9 KB (PDF document)
- 1222 - Block B, Second Floor, GA Plan.pdf 611.1 KB (PDF document)
- 1223 - Block B, Third Floor, GA Plan.pdf 604.4 KB (PDF document)
- 1224 - Block B, Fourth Floor, GA Plan.pdf 603.9 KB (PDF document)
- 1225 - Block B, Fifth Floor, GA Plan.pdf 548.5 KB (PDF document)
- 1226 - Block B, Roof Plan, GA Plan.pdf 245.7 KB (PDF document)
- 2201 - Block B, Proposed Elevations.pdf 6.6 MB (PDF document)
- 3201 - Block B, Proposed A-A, B-B & C-C Sections.pdf 4.1 MB (PDF document)
- 1320 - Block C, Ground Floor, GA Plan.pdf 511.6 KB (PDF document)
- 1321 - Block C, First Floor, GA Plan.pdf 386.7 KB (PDF document)
- 1326 - Block C, Roof Plan, GA Plan.pdf 250.2 KB (PDF document)
- 2301 - Block C, Proposed Elevations.pdf 4.1 MB (PDF document)
- 3301 - Block C, Proposed A-A, B-B & C-C Sections.pdf 2.8 MB (PDF document)
- 1007 - Ancillary Site Structures.pdf 8.7 MB (PDF document)
- 1011 - Vehicle & Bicycle Parking Plan.pdf 826.8 KB (PDF document)
- Drawing Register.pdf 92.2 KB (PDF document)
- Architectural Design Statement.pdf 82.7 MB (PDF document)
- Building Lifecycle Report.pdf 1.5 MB (PDF document)
- Housing Quality Assessment Report.pdf 3.0 MB (PDF document)
- Housing Quality Assessment.pdf 836.5 KB (PDF document)
- Schedule of Accommodation.pdf 130.8 KB (PDF document)
- Universal Access Statement.pdf 689.5 KB (PDF document)
- 3000_SITE LAYOUT.pdf 323.6 KB (PDF document)
- 3010_FOUL WATER LAYOUT.pdf 906.0 KB (PDF document)
- 3011_WATERMAIN LAYOUT.pdf 882.1 KB (PDF document)
- 3012_SURFACE WATER LAYOUT.pdf 891.3 KB (PDF document)
- 3013_SuDS STRATEGY.pdf 513.3 KB (PDF document)
- 3200_LONG SECTIONS.pdf 35.6 KB (PDF document)
- 4000_FIRE TENDER SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS.pdf 355.6 KB (PDF document)
- 4001_REFUSE SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS.pdf 348.8 KB (PDF document)
- 4002_CAR SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS.pdf 373.1 KB (PDF document)
- 4003_CAR SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS 2.pdf 270.1 KB (PDF document)
- 4010_SIGHTLINES.pdf 235.7 KB (PDF document)
- 4011_DMURS DRAWING.pdf 330.0 KB (PDF document)
- TYP-C-011_TYPE A - PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE.pdf 145.4 KB (PDF document)
- TYP-C-012_TYPE B - PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE.pdf 144.6 KB (PDF document)
- TYP-C-015_HYDROBRAKE MANHOLE.pdf 83.2 KB (PDF document)
- TYP-C-016_PRECAST ROAD GULLY.pdf 39.7 KB (PDF document)
- TYP-C-018_ACCESS JUNCTION.pdf 42.5 KB (PDF document)
- TYP-C-020_BACK INLET GULLY.pdf 22.2 KB (PDF document)
- TYP-C-029_SPIGOT & SOCKET JOINTS.pdf 23.2 KB (PDF document)
- TYP-C-030_DRAINAGE PIPE CROSSING.pdf 32.8 KB (PDF document)
- TYP-C-049_PIPE BENDING.pdf 62.8 KB (PDF document)
- TYP-C-050_PIPE BENDING NOTES.pdf 18.0 KB (PDF document)
- TYP-C-101_TYPICAL ROAD BUILD-UP.pdf 43.5 KB (PDF document)
- TYP-C-102_TYPICAL KERB CONSTRUCTION.pdf 90.9 KB (PDF document)
- TYP-C-106_GREEN-BLUE ROOF BUILD-UP.pdf 17.9 KB (PDF document)
- Masterplan.pdf 3.3 MB (PDF document)
- Boundary.pdf 1.9 MB (PDF document)
- Drainage.pdf 3.4 MB (PDF document)
- Hard Details.pdf 510.1 KB (PDF document)
- Landscape - Levels Plan.pdf 3.9 MB (PDF document)
- Lighting Plan.pdf 3.3 MB (PDF document)
- Open Space.pdf 1.2 MB (PDF document)
- Soft Details.pdf 590.7 KB (PDF document)
- Tree Survey.pdf 3.0 MB (PDF document)
- Arb Impact Assessment.pdf 1.0 MB (PDF document)
- Public Lighting Layout.pdf 1.2 MB (PDF document)
- Tree Protection Drawing.pdf 1.2 MB (PDF document)
- Tree Survey & Constraints.pdf 567.7 KB (PDF document)
- Civil Planning Report.pdf 8.5 MB (PDF document)
- Climate Action Energy Statement.pdf 601.8 KB (PDF document)
- DMURS Statement of Constistency.pdf 898.5 KB (PDF document)
- Flood Risk Assessment.pdf 5.3 MB (PDF document)
- Mobility Managment Plan.pdf 6.0 MB (PDF document)
- Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf 1.3 MB (PDF document)
- Daylight and Sunlight Report.pdf 4.4 MB (PDF document)
- Outline Construction Management Plan.pdf 3.4 MB (PDF document)
- Transport Statement.pdf 23.1 MB (PDF document)
- Landscape Rationale Report.pdf 7.6 MB (PDF document)
- Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report.pdf 13.6 MB (PDF document)
- Architectural Heritage Impact Assessment.pdf 11.9 MB (PDF document)
- Operational Waste Management Plan.pdf 1.6 MB (PDF document)
- Public Lighting Report.pdf 1.6 MB (PDF document)
- Tree Survey Data.pdf 127.8 KB (PDF document)
- Tree Protection Method Statement.pdf 13.4 MB (PDF document)
- Verified Views & CGI's.pdf 12.6 MB (PDF document)
- Mount St. Marys Bat Report.pdf 5.1 MB (PDF document)
- Planning Report Mount Saint Mary's.pdf 13.2 MB (PDF document)
- Mount Saint Marys - Irish Times - Newspaper Article - 14.03.2025.pdf 903.2 KB (PDF document)
- Service Department Report pdf.pdf 456.6 KB (PDF document)
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